3 Pugs Gin

It’s not my photography that is wonky..

How can a chimp take photographs of gin bottles? I know this is a question many of you shriek out loud whenever you read a new posting. (We know this after substantial market research, and also listening in to your phones – forget “Hey Siri”,  the magic words are “Hey Chimpi”)

Well it isn’t poor paw control that makes this gin bottle look wonky – it is in fact “cock-eyed” (and we are not talking about some dodgy Love Island-based gin tie-in).

A left-leaning gin

If we concentrate on the contents of the bottle for a while, them 3 Pugs have done well.  If you think a chimp can’t take pictures then you probably don’t think pugs can distill spirits – but think again.  They have thrown a paw-full of orange into the mix and you can tell.  The Chimps are contemplating putting this one onto their quaffing shortlist.

8.5/10 (The extra 0.5 from Education Chimp who is already stalking full bottles of this online as I type)

We recommend drinking enough of this until the bottle appears to be straight…..

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