Lyme Bay Dry Gin

Chimps have been quarantined for too long. Matted fur, grumpy, and that was the first weekend. However, we are now getting our bananas for half price due to Rishi, and we are waving to each other on Zoom.

And now to gin. We are starting with Lyme Bay dry gin. With a promise of citrus, lemongrass and elderflower, we actually get a very medicinal flavour coming though our masks as we try to socially distance sip. As us chimps have been avoiding medics like the plague (literally) then medicinal overtones are not welcome.

We are giving Lyme Bay a 6/10 for a creditable effort – but leave out the medicine next time.

However, in other news – like many lockdown families, we have found room in our hearts and homes for a rescue animal. But, we know that rescue animals need discipline and routine as well as love, and that’s why we are putting them to work………

Welcome to Sweep’s Ginopinion!

Our rescue dog, Sweep, who we have liberated from a life of TV ridicule, is independently testing the gins, and providing his own views.

Bad Sweep!

Sweep has run away with the gin, and we are unable to bring you his ginopinion this time. We will endeavour to bring you his insight in future instalments. Apologies.

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