Jonomade Gin – Nana’s Nip – Orange

Sweep’s Nana used to give him a nip. Just to keep him in line, make sure he was not too naughty. Some would say that as he grew to be a little bit of a scamp, the nip was misguided; evidence of the ultimate failure of corporal punishment. However, we can’t say how far he may have fallen of the rails had Granny Sweep metaphorically spared the rod.

I’m not sure that Jono had similar admonishment from a grandparent, or whether they are purely referring to the contents of her hip flask, but it obviously had an effect. Nana’s Nip is a Kent gin, with a hint of orange, that unfortunately promises more then it delivers. The idea is good, and it has a pleasing aroma, but it disappears in the tonic. As it is Batch No 1 we are tempted to give it the benefit of the doubt; Jono needs to make later batches more robust and upfront.


Sweep says OW!

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