Tarquin’s Cornish Sunshine Blood Orange Gin

Nice Bottle

Ahhhh the Cornish summer sunshine….in March?? Well the Chimps are adventurous types and we live in hope – and also Cornwall (for a few days at least). And to celebrate our little Cornish adventure, we decided to treat ourselves to a little local tipple (note – paid for by pub-quiz winnings; we have a day job too).

After manging to sample most of the Tarquin’s range, thanks to a very nice lady in the St Ives Tarquin’s shop (who was surprisingly accommodating to a bunch of Chimps invading her workplace and using up most of the complementary paw sanitiser) we settled on the Cornish Sunshine Blood Orange Gin. We have not yet tried the serving suggestion on the bottle (use it as the featured ingredient in a spritz), but we have been predictable, and tried it with our trusty tonic.

Serving Suggestion

As our regular readers will know, the Chimps are partial to a fruity flavoured gin and this one really hits the spot. A lovely strong Blood Range taste comes through and it not overshadowed by the tonic at all.

8.5/10 – Cornish Summer Sunshine all year round

Yum! Tarquin’s sits pride of place amongst some of our other tipples (hic)

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